Monday, June 8, 2009

It all started when I made Wedding Gifts (hantaran) for my cousins, Najah & Azlan in June 2006. This marked the beginning or rather the re-appearance of my creative being. I've rediscovered myself in my late forties. Better late than never !
In a way, I had surprised myself that after all these years since schooldays, that I suppressed my creativity in a hell lot of ways !
I'm now opened to the idea that leading a creative life now is really a good thing. I want to find the time and the resources to become more creative from now on. I need to life anew and be more adventurous.
I must start by thinking and seeing things in a new light , regularly and on a daily basis.
It's a skill that I think I had when I was small and by now almost lost.Yes, almost lost. But it's not too late. It's never to late......time to wake up.
Once awaken.....move over Sleeping Beauty,I want to do more and more.

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